Chabla is always open, 24 hours a day. We expect that the amounts of Chabla users vary depending on the time of day and customers’ needs. Chabla does not guarantee calls or work for interpreters at any time of the day.
Articles in this section
- Do I need my own company or a trade name or will Chabla be my employer?
- Can I also work for other operators or service providers within the interpreting industry?
- On what equipment does Chabla work on?
- During what kind of hours can I work with Chabla? When is Chabla open?
- What kind of physical space does working with Chabla require?
- Can I also work for other operators or service providers within the interpreting industry?
- What expenses will I have if I start using Chabla as an interpreter and for using it in long term?
- If I start to work with Chabla, is there a minimum amount of hours that I need to achieve?
- Do I need my own company or a trade name or will Chabla be my employer?
- Do I need to train or study something before I start making and receiving calls with Chabla ?