No, you don’t need your own company or a trade name. Chabla offers interpreters the possibility to use Via for Chabla service, through which the salary payments are maid. Alternatively, interpreter will take care of his responsibilities independently. In Chabla, interpreter can work as an individual, as a freelancer, or as an employee of the company. Chabla does not have an employer status for interpreters.
Chabla uses the external service, Via for Chabla (run by Viittomakielialan Osuuskunta Via/Via Sign Language Sector Cooperative), for fee payments’ processing. We pilot it first in Finland. When providing us the tax and bank account information, we submit your fees through the service. Your fees will be paid, net of taxes, and your taxes and side expenses will be further paid to the respective authorities and e.g. to the pension insurance on a timely manner.