Chabla Oy
y-tunnus 2709003-4
Pengerkatu 24 A 24, 00500 Helsinki
p. +358 44 735 7027
Chabla käsittelee henkilötietoja tarjotakseen pääasiassa erilaisia tulkkaus-, teknologia- ja saavutettavuuspalveluita asiakkailleen. Henkilötietojen käsittely perustuu Chablan ja rekisteröidyn (”Asiakas”) väliseen sopimukseen ja sen täytäntöönpanoon sekä palveluiden, tuotteiden uutiskirjeiden sekä sopimuksiin perustuviin velvoitteiden hoitamiseen. Henkilötietojen käsittely perustuu lisäksi Chablan oikeutettuun etuun (kuten asiakassuhteen hoitamiseen ja suoramarkkinointiin) sekä suostumukseen silloin kun henkilötietojen käsittely tiettyjen palvelujen osalta perustuu Asiakkaan suostumukseen.
Rekisterissä olevia henkilötietoja käytetään muun muassa seuraavia tarkoituksia varten:
- asiakassuhteen hoitaminen, kehittäminen, seuranta ja ylläpitäminen;
- Sopimusvelvotteiden täyttäminen;
- palveluiden myynti, tarjoaminen, tuottaminen ja jatkokehittäminen;
- asiakaspalvelu, asiakasneuvonta ja asiakaspalautteen käsittely;
- laadun parantaminen ja kehityssuuntien analysoiminen;
- palveluiden ja tuotteiden markkinointi;
- asiakasviestintä;
- markkinointitutkimusten tekeminen ja markkinointitapahtumien järjestäminen;
- liiketoiminnan suunnittelu, kehittäminen, johtaminen, toteuttaminen ja seuranta
Rekisteri sisältää seuraavia tietoja:
I kuluttaja-asiakkaista
- etunimi- ja sukunimi
- käyttäjänimi- tai tunniste
- yhteystiedot, puhelinnumero, Chabla-virtuaalinumero, sähköpostiosoite
- profiilikuva
- käytetyt kielet
- soittotiedot (soittohistoria soitetut ja vastaanotetut puhelut) vastaanottajan numeron, puhelujen kesto, soittajan laitteelle tallennettu vastaanottajan nimi)
- asiakasviestintä
- laskutustiedot
- lataus- ja saldotiedot
II yritysasiakkaista
- yhteyshenkilön nimi, puhelinnumero, sähköpostiosoite
- asiakastiliin liittyvät tiedot
- soittohistoria
- tulkkeja koskevat tiedot ja tulkkauskielet
- laskutustiedot
- lataus- ja saldotiedot
Rekisteriin tallennettavat tiedot kerätään pääasiassa Asiakkaalta itseltään.
Chabla käyttää alihankkijoita palvelujensa tarjoamisessa ja tuottamisessa. Tällaisia alihankkijoita voivat olla esim. IT-palveluiden tuottajat. Alihankkijat käsittelevät rekisterinpitäjän henkilötietoja rekisterinpitäjän puolesta ja lukuun.
Chabla ei siirrä henkilötietoja EU:n tai ETA-alueen ulkopuolelle.
Chabla ei säilytä henkilötietoja pidempään kuin lainsäädännön salliman enimmäisajan ja ainoastaan niin kauan, kun on tarpeellista Palveluiden tai niiden osan tarjoamiseksi. Säilytysaika riippuu tietojen luonteesta sekä käsittelyn tarkoituksesta. Enimmäissäilytysaika voi näin ollen vaihdella tapauskohtaisesti.
Käytämme hallinnollisia, organisatorisia, teknisiä sekä fyysisiä suojatoimenpiteitä keräämiemme ja käsittelemiemme henkilötietojen suojaamiseksi. Käyttämiämme toimenpiteitä ovat esimerkiksi tietojen salaus, salasanat, palomuurit, turvalliset tilat ja järjestelmät, jotka on suojattu rajoitetuin pääsyoikeuksin. Turvatoimemme on suunniteltu ylläpitämään asianmukainen taso tietojen luottamuksellisuuden, eheyden, käytettävyyden, palautettavuuden ja vikasietoisuuden varmistamiseksi.
Mikäli tietoturvatoimenpiteistä huolimatta tapahtuu tietoturvaloukkaus, jolla on todennäköisesti haitallisia vaikutuksia Asiakkaiden yksityisyydelle, ilmoitamme loukkauksesta soveltuvan lainsäädännön edellyttämällä tavalla asiaankuuluville Asiakkaille ja muille vaikutusten alaisille osapuolille, sekä soveltuvan tietosuojalainsäädännön vaatiessa viranomaisille niin pian kuin mahdollista.
Asiakkaan oikeudet
Asiakkaalla on oikeus tarkastaa itseään koskevat tiedot sekä oikeus vaatia tietojen oikaisua ja poistamista. Muutoin tarkastusta ja oikaisua koskevat pyynnöt tulee toimittaa henkilökohtaisesti tai kirjallisesti kohdassa 1 mainitulle yhteyshenkilölle.
Asiakkaalla on myös oikeus vastustaa tietojensa käsittelyä, pyytää tietojensa käsittelyn rajoittamista ja siirtoa sekä tehdä valitus henkilötietojen käsittelystä tietosuojavaltuutetulle.
Chabla Oy
business-ID 2709003-4
Pengerkatu 24 A 24, 00500 Helsinki
p. +358 44 735 7027
Chabla handles personal data mainly to offer various interpreting, technological and accessibility services to their customers. The handling of personal data is based on the contract between Chabla and a registered (”Customer”) and its fulfilment, product related newsletters and handling of contractual obligations. In addition, the handling of personal data is based on the legitimate interest of Chabla (such as customer relationship management and direct marketing) and for certain services based on Customer’s consent to the processing of data.
Personal data that is stored in the register is used, among other things, for the following purposes:
- managing, developing, following and maintaining the customer relationship;
- fulfilment of contractual obligations;
- selling, offering and producing services as well as further development of them;
- customer service, customer assistance/care and handling of customer feedback;
- quality management and improvement, analysis of trends;
- marketing of products and services;
- customer communication;
- conducting marketing research and organising marketing events;
- planning, development, management, execution and following of business
The register contains the following information:
I on private customers
- first and last name
- username or other user identification
- contact information, phone number, Chabla-virtual number, email address
- profile picture
- used languages
- usage records (call history, out-going and in-coming calls, recipients number, lengths of the calls, recipients name/other identification when it is saved on callers device)
- customer communication
- billing information
- loading and balance information
II on corporate customers
- name, phone number, email address of the contact person
- customer account information
- usage records
- information regarding interpreters and interpreted languages
- billing information
- loading and balance information
The data to be stored in the register is mainly collected from the Customers themselves.
Chabla uses subcontractors to offer and produce the services. Such subcontractors can be for example producers of IT services. All subcontractors handle the data. Subcontractors process the data on behalf of and for the controller.
Chabla does not transfer any data outside of EU or ETA areas.
Chabla does not retain personal data for longer than the maximum time allowed by law and only as long as it is necessary to provide the Services or a portion thereof. The retention time depends on the nature of the data and the purpose of the treatment. The maximum time can thus vary from case to case.
We use administrative, organisational, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the personal data we collect and process. The measures we use include, for example, data encryption, passwords, firewalls, secure facilities, and systems that are protected by limited access rights. Our security measures are designed to maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality, integrity, usability, recoverability and fault tolerance.
If, despite security measures, there is a security breach that is likely to have an adverse effect on Customer privacy, we will notify the affected Customers and other affected parties, as required by applicable law, and as soon as possible, when required by applicable data protection legislation.
Customer has the right to check the information about themselves and the right to request rectification and erasure. Otherwise, requests for verification and rectification must be made in person or in writing to the contact person mentioned in section 1.
Customer also has the right to object to the processing of their data, to request limitations on the processing and transferring the data, and to file a complaint with the Data Protection Officer regarding the handling of the data.
This Privacy Policy is effective as of October 1, 2016 (updated January 14 2019) and valid for Chabla Oy and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is effective as of October 1, 2016, and explains what information we collect about you and why, what we do with that information, how we share it, and how we handle the personal information created, inputted, submitted, posted, transmitted, stored or displayed by you, your Agents and End-Users when accessing and using our Services. Certain terms that are capitalised in this policy are defined and have the meaning applied in our Terms of Service.
For the purposes of this Policy, our “Services” refer to the mobile and on-demand customer service solution made available by Chabla Oy. (the, “Chabla Service”) and the online communication service made available by Chabla, as more completely described in our Terms of Use.
Information Covered By This Policy
We respect and protect the privacy of visitors to our mobile services, websites and users of our Services. This Policy explains the what, how and why of the personal information that we collect when you visit our mobile and websites or when you use our Services.
The personal information collected and used by Chabla Oy, and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the “Chabla Group” or “we” or “us” or “our”) is limited to the purpose for which our subscribers engage any member of the Chabla Group and other purposes expressly described in this Policy.
What this Policy Covers:
- Mobile services created and owner by Chabla
- The websites that link to this Policy, including: and (collectively referred to as “Websites”).
- The Services to which you have subscribed or registered.
What Do We Mean by Personal Information?
In this Policy, personal information means information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity. Except as described in this Policy, the Chabla will not give, sell, rent or loan any personal information to any third party.
Personal Information That You Provide to Us or That We Collect
Account Information:
When you register for the Service, we ask for personal information such as your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, instant messaging ID, and credit card information, as well as certain related information like your language competencies etc. We also collect personal information such as an email address and a name or alias from any individual authorized to use the Service through your Account as an Agent and/or administrator or an End-User that you authorise to log into and utilise the Service in connection with your Account. If you sign-up for a free trial account, you are not required to enter your credit card information unless and until you decide to continue with a paid subscription to the Service. A third-party intermediary is used to manage credit card processing. This intermediary is not permitted to store, retain, or use your billing information for any purpose except for credit card processing on our behalf. We refer to any information described above as “Account Information” for purposes of this Policy.
By voluntarily providing us with Account Information, you hereby represent that you are the owner of such personal information or are otherwise authorized to provide it to us.
Service Data:
We collect and store information that is created, inputted, submitted, posted, transmitted, stored or displayed by you, your Agents and End-Users in the process of using our Services. Such information may include personal information or other sensitive information that you, your Agents or End-Users choose to include. We refer to any information described above as “Service Data” for purposes of this Policy. All Service Data is subject to our technical safeguards as more fully subscribed in our Terms of Service.
Cookies / Tracking Technologies From Your Use of Our mobile services, Websites and Service:
Our mobile services, services and Websites use cookies for a variety of purposes. These cookies may provide us with information, including personal information, other information about devices and networks you utilise to access our mobile services, Websites and Services, and information regarding your interactions with and in our mobile services, Websites and Services. For detailed information about the use of cookies in the mobile services, Service (including information about how you can control cookies) and Websites, please contact
Web beacons, tags and scripts may be used in our mobile services, Websites, Services or in emails. These assist us in delivering cookies, counting visits to our Websites, understanding usage and campaign effectiveness and determining whether an email has been opened and acted upon. We may receive reports based on the use of these technologies by our service providers on an individual and aggregated basis.
Log Files From Your Use of Our mobile services, Websites and Services:
As is true with most mobiles services, mobile sites, websites and services, we gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes internet protocol addresses, browser, internet service provider, referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and click stream data as well as certain personal information such as user name, user email address and other information that may be included in open textual fields. Our application log files are subject to the same strict data security policies and procedures as apply to the application databases for our Services. We may combine this automatically collected log information with other information we collect about you. We do this to improve the Services that we offer you, to improve marketing, analytics, or mobile and Website functionality.
Analytics Information from Your Use Of Our mobile and Websites and Service:
We collect analytics information when you use our mobile services, Websites and Service to help us improve them.
We partner with a third party to either display advertising on our mobile services, Websites or to manage our advertising on other sites. Our third party partner may use technologies such as cookies to gather information about your activities on our mobile services, Websites and other sites in order to provide you advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests. Please note this does not opt you out of being served ads and you will continue to receive generic ads.
In our Services, analytics information may consist of the feature and function of the Service being used, the associated domain name, the username and IP address of your Agent or End-User (which may include personal information if the personal information was incorporated into the username) and additional information required to detail the operation of the function and which parts of a Service are being affected. The analytics information we collect may include elements of Service Data related to the function the Agent or End-User is performing. As such, the analytics information we collect may include personal information or sensitive business information.
Communications With Us:
When you send an email or other communication to us, including support requests for our Services, we may collect the personal information that you provide us and may use it in order to process your inquiries, respond to your requests and improve our Services.
You and your Agents may receive occasional marketing communications regarding our products and services. You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us please contact us at or follow the unsubscribe instructions included in our marketing communications.
We regularly aggregate information related to the use of the Services and publish this information, as segmented by industry, geography and other metrics to provide qualitative insight on customer support metrics and other relevant insights through the Chabla Benchmark. You have the choice whether to participate by enabling this benchmarking from within the settings in the Services. If you do not want to participate then you should not enable the benchmarking. At any time, you can change the settings in the Services so that benchmarking is not enabled.
If you choose to use our referral service to tell a friend about our Services, we will ask you for your friend’s name and email address. We will automatically send your friend an email inviting him or her to visit the Website and will store this information for sending this initial email, the tracking the success of our referral program and other marketing activities. Your friend may contact us at to request that we remove his/her information from our database.
Other Submissions:
We collect other information, including personal information, that you submit to our mobile services, Websites or as you participate in certain interactive features of our Services, participate in a survey, contest, promotion, sweepstakes, activity or event, apply for a job, request customer support, communicate with us via third party social media sites or otherwise communicate with us. Any information, including personal information that you submit through our mobile services or Websites could be visible to the public unless submitted to a secure area in the mobile services and Websites.
Social Media Widgets:
Our Websites include Social Media Features, such as the Facebook Like button, and Widgets, such as the Share This button or interactive mini-programs that run on our Websites. These Features may collect your Internet protocol address, which page you are visiting on our mobile services and Websites, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social Media Features and Widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our mobile services and Websites. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy statement of the company providing it.
Personal Information From Third Party Services:
We also obtain other information, including personal information, from third parties and combine that with information we collect through our Websites and Services. For example, we may have access to certain information from a third party social media or authentication service if you log into our Services through the service or otherwise provide us with access to information from the service. Any access that we may have to such information from a third party social or authentication service is in accordance with the authorisation procedures determined by that service. By authorising us to connect with a third party service, you authorise us to access and store your name, email address(es), current city, profile picture URL, and other personal information that the third party service makes available to us, and to use and disclose it in accordance with this Policy. You should check your privacy settings on these third party services to understand and change the information sent to us through these services. For example, you can log in to our mobile services, Websites and Service using sign-in services such as Facebook Connect or an Open ID provider. These third-party services will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain personal information with us such as your name and email address to pre-populate our sign up form. Facebook Connect (and other similar services) give you the option to post information about your activities on our mobile services and Websites to your profile page to share with others within your network.
Other Information That You Provide Us or We Collect
In addition to personal information, we collect data and other information from visitors to our mobile services, Websites and the users of our Services. This includes, among other things, anonymised information or aggregated data that the Chabla Oy may collect about a group or category of Services, features or users while you visit our mobile services, Website or access the Services. We define this information as Usage Data. Usage Data helps us understand trends in usage of the Services so that we can better consider new features or otherwise tailor our Services. In addition to collecting and using Usage Data ourselves, the Chabla Group may share Usage Data with third parties, including our subscribers, partners and service providers, for various purposes, including to help us better understand our subscribers’ needs and improve our Services as well as for advertising and marketing purposes. We may also publish Usage Data to provide relevant information about and to market the Services.
How We Use Personal Information
General Uses:
We use the personal information that we collect for a variety of purposes including to:
- Provide, operate, maintain, analyse, improve and promote our Services and tailor our Services to our subscribers’ needs;
- Enable you and your Agents and End Users to access and use our Services;
- Process and complete transactions, and send you related information, including purchase confirmations and invoices;
- Communicate with you, including responding to your comments, questions, and requests; providing customer service and support;
- Provide you with information about services, features, surveys, newsletters, offers, promotions, contests and events;
- Provide other news or information about us and our select partners; and sending you technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;
- Monitor and analyse trends, usage, and activities in connection with our Services and for marketing or advertising purposes;
- Investigate and prevent fraudulent transactions, unauthorised access to our Services, and other illegal activities; and
- For other purposes about which we notify you.
Analysis of our mobile services, Websites and Services:
As indicated above, we use the information we collect (including log and configuration data) to understand how our mobile services, Websites and Services are being configured and used, how they can be improved, and to develop new services, features and functionality.
Sharing Personal Information
Third-party service providers:
We share information, including personal information, with our third-party service providers (such as credit card processors, managed hosting providers, sub-processors of Service Data, and technology partners)) to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and other services that we use to operate our Services and maintain a high quality user experience. We do not permit our service providers to use the personal information that we share with them for their marketing purposes or for any other purpose than in connection with the services they provide to us.
Other Services:
You may choose to make use of Other Services in conjunction with our Services. Other Services are third party products, applications, services, software, products, networks, systems, directories, mobile sites and websites, databases and information which our Service links to, or which You may connect to or enable in conjunction with the Services, including, without limitation, Other Services which may be integrated directly into your Account to which you grant access privileges to your Account. When access is granted, certain information in your Account is shared with the third party, including personal information. The Chabla Oy does not control the policies and procedures of these Other Services even though the Other Services may be available through our Service. This Policy does not cover the collection or use of information, including personal information, by Other Services, and we urge you to consider the privacy policies governing these Other Services.
Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement Requests; Protection of Our Rights:
We disclose personal information to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims. We may also share such information if we believe it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Service, or as otherwise required by law.
Chabla Group Sharing:
We may share information, including personal information, with any member of the Chabla Group (Chabla subsidiaries and affiliates) for the purposes stated in this Policy.
We may share your personal information with third parties when we have your consent to do so.
If you are a subscriber to the Services or authorized as an Agent under a subscriber’s account to the Services and would like to opt-out of getting marketing communications from us please contact us at or follow the unsubscribe instructions included in each marketing email.
We process and store Service Data on behalf of our subscribers. We have no direct relationship with the individuals with whom our subscribers may interact using the Services. If you are an individual interacting with a subscriber of our Service and would no longer like to be contacted by that subscriber, please contact that subscriber directly.
Protection of Information
We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. We utilise robust precautions to protect the confidentiality and security of the personal information within our Service, by employing technological, physical and administrative security safeguards, such as firewalls and carefully developed security procedures. For example, when you enter confidential information (such as login credentials or information submitted from within the Service). We encrypt the transmission of that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL). These technologies, procedures and other measures are used in an effort to ensure that your Service Data is safe, secure, and only available to you and to those you authorized to access your Service Data. However, no internet, e-mail or other electronic transmission is ever fully secure or error free, so you should take care in deciding what information you send to us in this way.
Data Hosting, Transfer, and Retention
Unless we expressly agree otherwise, the Chabla Oy may host and process Service Data, including personal information, in the European Union and United States and in other countries through the Chabla Oy and third parties that we use to operate and manage our Service. Whenever we process personal information outside of the European Economic Area on behalf of our subscribers located in the EEA or Switzerland, we will continue to afford it adequate protection in accordance with the requirements of the European Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC.
We will retain Service Data that is processed on behalf of our subscribers in accordance with the instructions received from our subscribers for as long as needed to provide our Services to our subscribers, subject to compliance with this Policy. We may retain and use other personal information, including personal information we collect as a “data controller,” as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, maintain accurate accounting, financial and other operational records, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements as described above. Our policy for the deletion of Service Data following termination or cancellation of a subscriber’s subscription to the Service can be found in our Support – pages or obtained by request to
Children’s Personal Information
The Chabla Group does not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 15. If you are under the age of 15, please do not submit any personal information through our Services. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce this Policy by instructing their children never to provide personal information through our Services without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided personal information to us through our Services, please contact us, and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete that information. Subscribers are responsible for establishing policies for and compliance with applicable laws for the collection of personal information in connection with the use of our Services.
Business Transactions
The Chabla Group may assign or transfer this Policy, and your Account and related information and data, including any personal information, to any person or entity that acquires all of our or substantially all of our business, stock or assets of, or with whom we merge.
Contact Us
If you have questions regarding this Policy or about the privacy practices of the Chabla Group, please contact us by email at