During launch and the beginning stages of Chabla the application has been designed for Apple iPhones and Apple iPads. Chabla compatibility with other platforms will be expanded quickly for users and interpreters by 2017.
iPhone 5s or newer:
- iPhone 7 (2016 — present)
- iPhone 7+ (2016 — present)
- iPhone 6 (2014 — present)
- iPhone 6 Plus (2014 — present)
- iPhone 6s (2015 — present)
- iPhone 6s Plus (2015 — present)
- iPhone SE (2016 — present)
- iPhone 5s (2013 — 2016)
Technical minimum
- iPhone 4s (2011 — 2014)
Tablets (iPads)
- iPad Air or newer
- iPad Mini 3 or newer
Technical minimum Pads
- iPad 2
- iPad